These Dog Breeds Are Called Crusty White Dogs.

What is a crusty white dog

So what is a crusty white dog?

The crusty white dog craze started on Twitter and then TikTok, with Gen Z users commenting on the appearance of these dogs and their owners. The breed is formally known as Bichon Frises, and they are usually between 8-12 inches tall and weigh between 8-18 pounds. They have a naturally white coat, which can become stained with eye discharge or tear stains, giving them their signature “crusty” look.

Why, Shih Tzus Are The Worst Dogs? Really?

why shih tzus are the worst dogs Heres why

The Shih Tzus breed, with their adorable appearance and charming personalities, have captured the hearts of many dog enthusiasts worldwide. However, like any dog breed, Shih Tzus are not without their flaws. As a 35-year-old woman and a dog lover, I believe it’s essential to approach dog breeds with a balanced perspective, acknowledging both their strengths and weaknesses. In this article, we’ll explore some of the poor traits commonly associated with Shih Tzus and the challenges they can present to potential owners.